Knitting Everywhere!

As I continue to knit items for Boho Chic Boutique, I have noticed that there has been a local act of kindness as the weather turns cold.  This is what the world needs more of, caring of all mankind.

Chicks with Sticks is a knitting group from Glenmont, NY. According to the news recently  the Group, “Yarn Bombed” the Albany area leaving warm knitted items such as scarves, hats, and mittens.  Each knitted piece had a tag on it that read, “‘I am not lost, take me if you need to be warm and know that somebody cares”.


What a wonderful idea!

Made this scarf (made in the 2 Row Reversible Pattern) for Boho with the thought that there are men out there that would love to have this beautiful, soft, scarf wrapped around their necks when the cold wind blows!



Happy life, happy knitting,


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