Friday Finds!


Have you ever thought about how many knitting stitches there are out there?  Maybe not as many as leaves that are now laying like a blanket covering my backyard. I know in all the years that I have been knitting, it is something that I have wondered about.  Sometimes I would just try to follow the stitch directions to see how it looks, not really thinking about making anything in particular, just rows and rows of a certain stitch!  Then when you think of  all the patterns out there – there are so many!  So when looking around for more knitting stuff, I found this great site called,!  What a great idea.  The creator, Johnny Vasquez, has given us this opportunity to look at each stitch independently and at the pace that works best for you.  It’s nice to see a man involved in knitting too! The one stitch that attracted me this site is the Herringbone Stitch.  I just love the way the stitches go back and forth.  I want to try this stitch as soon as I get a minute….. Great color too!


Happy knitting,
